Okay, I am struggling with this problem for 2 days now. When I am manually posting data in the form in the browser, everything works fine, and I am getting the flash message that should say 'Thanks...'. While testing my Flask application, this test does not pass because I am getting a 400 Bad Request error while sending a post request on my Flask form. To be clear, I am using Flask-Mail and WTForms for the form, and my application is dockerized and also running redis and celery. I am kinda new to these stuff, so if my question is not clear enough, please be kind and tell me if I should provide more detailed info. Thanks, and here is the relevant code and the error that is shown while testing with py.test. And sorry about the links, I am still not allowed to post pictures on StackOverflow.
The error code: Pytest Assertion Error
from flask_wtf import FlaskForm
from wtforms import TextAreaField, StringField
from wtforms.validators import DataRequired, Length, Email
class ContactForm(FlaskForm):
email = StringField("What's your e-mail address?",
[Email(), DataRequired(), Length(3, 254)])
message = TextAreaField("What's your question or issue?",
[DataRequired(), Length(1, 8192)])
from flask import (
from flexio.blueprints.contact.forms import ContactForm
contact = Blueprint('contact', __name__, template_folder='templates')
@contact.route('/contact', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def index():
form = ContactForm()
if form.validate_on_submit():
# This prevents circular imports.
from flexio.blueprints.contact.tasks import deliver_contact_email
flash('Thanks, expect a response shortly.', 'success')
return redirect(url_for('contact.index'))
return render_template('contact/index.html', form=form)
from lib.flask_mailplus import send_template_message
from flexio.app import create_celery_app
celery = create_celery_app()
def deliver_contact_email(email, message):
Send a contact e-mail.
:param email: E-mail address of the visitor
:type user_id: str
:param message: E-mail message
:type user_id: str
:return: None
ctx = {'email': email, 'message': message}
send_template_message(subject='[Flexio] Contact',
template='contact/mail/index', ctx=ctx)
return None
def assert_status_with_message(status_code=200, response=None, message=None):
Check to see if a message is contained within a response.
:param status_code: Status code that defaults to 200
:type status_code: int
:param response: Flask response
:type response: str
:param message: String to check for
:type message: str
:return: None
assert response.status_code == status_code
assert message in str(response.data)
from flask import url_for
from lib.tests import assert_status_with_message
class TestContact(object):
def test_contact_page(self, client):
""" Contact page should respond with a success 200. """
response = client.get(url_for('contact.index'))
assert response.status_code == 200
def test_contact_form(self, client):
""" Contact form should redirect with a message. """
form = {
'email': 'foo@bar.com',
'message': 'Test message from Flexio.'
response = client.post(url_for('contact.index'), data=form,
assert_status_with_message(200, response, 'Thanks')
Your browser will have requested the form with a GET
request first, and thus have been given a CSRF token as a cookie and as a hidden form element in the form. When you then submit the form, the CSRF protection passes.
Your test doesn't make a GET
request nor does it use the form fields from the form that such a request makes, so your POST
request is missing both the cookie and the hidden field.
In a test, you could just disable CSRF protection by setting the WTF_CSRF_ENABLED
parameter to False
app.config['WTF_CSRF_ENABLED'] = False