So I'm just trying to create a basic search bar to increase my php and mysql knowledge but I am seriously confused.
I have followed a tutorial and played around with the code myself but I am at a loss the search query kind of works it will display results but the results displayed are nothing like the search query it is displaying many duplicate results.
I have 2 different people with 2 different products linking to them and this is what it is showing.
And here is the query that I am searching.
and here is my code and I'm hoping someone with more knowledge might be able to help out, hoping its not just a simple mistake that I've made :O
$query = $_GET['q'];
// gets value sent over search form
$min_length = 3;
// you can set minimum length of the query if you want
if(strlen($query) >= $min_length){ // if query length is more or equal minimum length then
$query = htmlspecialchars($query);
// changes characters used in html to their equivalents, for example: < to >
$query = mysql_real_escape_string($query);
// makes sure nobody uses SQL injection
$raw_results = DB::query("SELECT * FROM forsale, users WHERE forsale.productname LIKE '%" . $query . "%' OR users.username LIKE '%" . $query ."%'");
if (count($raw_results) > 0) {
foreach($raw_results as $results) {
echo $results['productname'];
echo $results['username'];
echo $results['price'];
}else{ // if there is no matching rows do following
echo "No results";
}else{ // if query length is less than minimum
echo "Minimum length is ".$min_length;
Thank you very much in advance.
As a quick fix to check if it works, you need to link the two tables together using the user_id...
$raw_results = DB::query("SELECT *
FROM forsale, users
WHERE forsale.user_id = users.user_id
and (forsale.productname LIKE '%" . $query . "%'
OR users.username LIKE '%" . $query ."%'"));
I would like to recommend moving to the newer JOIN format ( as well as looking into using prepared statements and bind variables.