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Rewriting GADT code in terms of standard Haskell?

I was trying to understand the Article The Operational Monad Tutorial by Heinrich Apfelmus, where he uses GADTs a lot. As a mental exercise, I tried to rewrite his code-examples so they no longer use GADTs. I couldn't do it, and now I am usure whether this is because of my limited skills, or if there is a fundamental issue.

On r/haskell Edward Kmett states that "You can always transform a GADT into a finally [sic] tagless representation through a class if you have Rank N types."

But what if I don't want to use Rank N types either? I suppose, I'd have to sacrifice something, but I should still be able to do it.

So, if I'm willing to sacrifice some type safety, use phantom types, typeclasses and whatnot, can I then write an eval function for expressions (somewhat) like the ones below, without using LANGUAGE extensions?

                           -- using GADTs :
data Expr = I Int  |       -- Int  -> Expr Int
            B Bool |       -- Bool -> Expr Bool
            Add Expr Expr  -- Expr Int -> Expr Int -> Expr Int
            Eq  Expr Expr  -- Expr 1   -> Expr a   -> Expr Bool


  • Without GADTs, you don't know whether Expr is well-typed, so you can only implement an eval which possibly throws errors.

    eval :: Expr -> Maybe (Either Int Bool)
    eval (I n) = pure (Left n)
    eval (B b) = pure (Right b)
    eval (Add e1 e2) = do
      x1 <- eval e1
      x2 <- eval e2
      case (x1, x2) of
        (Left n1, Left n2) -> pure (Left (n1 + n2))
        _                  -> Nothing
    eval (Eq e1 e2) = do
      x1 <- eval e1
      x2 <- eval e2
      case (x1, x2) of
        (Left  n1, Left n2)  -> pure (Right (n1 == n2))
        (Right b1, Right b2) -> pure (Right (b1 == b2))
        _                    -> Nothing