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Embedding Mono vs Google V8?

We want to add scripting to a project.

We are hesitating which script engine to use. I have used in the past V8 and it's quite impressive. I have used Mono as well but in toy-projects or prototypes only.

The constraints are :

  1. speed of execution.
  2. easy integration.
  3. must work on windows.
  4. 64-bit support.
  5. compiles under Visual Studio.

Which engine fits the best ?

(Are there any tutorial for compiling Mono under win64 with Visual Studio? Is there some packages that include Lib files and DLLs ?)


  • There is an MSVS solution file included into Mono distribution, it is enough for building a library (but you won't be able to build .DLLs, better pick them from a binary distribution). See mkbundle for a way to embed .NET DLLs into a single binary. As for scripting itself, you can either embed Mono C# compiler (it is not that big, and it is easy to integrate) or use any of the numerous scripting languages that target .NET - e.g., IronPython.