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Marklogic How to save multiple Workspaces

I have multiple Workspaces in Marklogic Qconsole. How can I export all workspaces at once. Instead of export one workspace at a time to computer. Thanks


  • Your workspaces are saved in the App-Services database. They have a qconsole:workspace element, and will have a qconsole:userid element with your userid.

    Using some of the built-in functions that are used to generate the export by the QConsole application, you can transform the workspace into the export format.

    Below is a query that you can run to find all of your workspaces, generate the export format, and then save them to the /tmp directory on the server:

    xquery version "1.0-ml";
    declare namespace qconsole="";
    import module namespace qconsole-model="" 
      at "/MarkLogic/appservices/qconsole/qconsole-model.xqy";
    import module namespace amped-qconsole = "" 
      at "/MarkLogic/appservices/qconsole/qconsole-amped.xqy";
        let $workspaces := cts:search(/qconsole:workspace, 
        for $workspace in $workspaces
        let $name := $workspace/qconsole:name/string()
        let $wsid := $workspace/qconsole:id/data()
        let $export := qconsole-model:export-workspace($wsid)
          xdmp:save("/tmp/"||$name||".xml", $export)
      <options xmlns="xdmp:eval">