I'm struggling to find a way to use images in my README.rst that will show up both on github and PyPI.
Currently I'm using the following markup:
.. image:: https://github.com/thebjorn/pydeps/blob/master/docs/_static/pydeps.svg
which looks great on github (https://github.com/thebjorn/pydeps), but show up as broken links on PyPI (https://pypi.org/project/pydeps/1.6.0/).
Is this possible, or do I need to host these images somewhere else?
You need to use raw.githubusercontent.com
instead of github.com
.. image:: https://github.com/thebjorn/pydeps/blob/master/docs/_static/pydeps-pylib.svg
will render correctly only on Github itself, while
.. image:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/thebjorn/pydeps/master/docs/_static/pydeps-pylib.svg?sanitize=true
will render on any website.
part in paths - my bad!),?sanitize=true
to each URL being replaced.$ sed -i '' 's,.. image:: https://github.com/\(.*\)/blob/\(.*\).svg,.. image:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/\1/\2.svg?sanitize=true,g' README.rst
Testing it on Github and on TestPyPI, both looking good.
Another possibility would be using RawGit, although the downside is this being a third-party service, so when it's down, the images are not rendered, although available. Nevertheless, for completeness:
$ sed -i '' 's,.. image:: https://github.com/\(.*\)/blob/\(.*\)$,.. image:: https://cdn.rawgit.com/\1/\2,g' README.rst