A dark theme is used for a web page. The default color theme of AMP's accordion does not look good:
<h4>How can I change the header's background?</h4>
The following in does not have any effect:
h4 {
background-color: #333
Could anyone help?
Please note that AMP does not allow !important.
Try defining a class on the h4
and applying the background colour to that. I just got it to work in the AMP By Example playground and it didn't complain about it and changed the background colour.
h4.test {background-color: #ff0;}
<section expanded>
<h4 class="test">Section 1</h4>
<p>Bunch of awesome content.</p>
<h4 class="test">Section 2</h4>
<div>Bunch of even more awesome content. This time in a <code><div></code>.</div>
<h4 class="test">Section 3</h4>
<amp-img src="/img/amp.jpg" width="1080" height="610" layout="responsive" alt="an image"></amp-img>
<figcaption>Images work as well.</figcaption>