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Stop IIS express process based on site name

The site im working on got 3 individual sites running on the IIS. When I make changes to on particular library I need to restart the site using it. The way I do that now is by manually rightclicking the IIS Express icon in the system tray, and then clicking 'Stop site', and after that I execute the debugging..

I would like to make that part automatic, so when ever i start debugging it will stop that particular site. If I don't stop it, then it will just reuse the current running site, but if I stop it, then it will restart it..

Is it event posible? I know how to find the PID, but I don't get the name of the site behind the PID..


  • I put together this script in PowerShell:

    $site = 'Webapplication' # replace this by your site name (not case sensitive)
    $process = Get-CimInstance Win32_Process -Filter "Name = 'iisexpress.exe'" | ? {$_.CommandLine -like "*/site:`"$site`"*" }
    if($process -ne $null)
        Write-Host "Trying to stop $($process.CommandLine)"
        Stop-Process -Id $process.ProcessId
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 # Wait 1 second for good measure
        Write-Host "Process was stopped"
    } else
       Write-Host "Website was not running"
    • Modify the first line to replace the site name with yours. Save this file as stopiis.ps1 on your project folder (not the solution folder).
    • Now, on Solution Explorer, right-click and choose properties
    • On the left side, choose Build Events
    • Put this on 'Pre-Build event command line' so it will run before compiling:

      echo powershell -File "$(ProjectDir)stopiis.ps1"

      powershell -File "$(ProjectDir)stopiis.ps1"

    Build Action

    • Note: you do not need to run Visual Studio in Administrative mode because IISExpress.exe run under your account