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Unpacking OctetString data into a variable for further processing

All - I am working with python and pysnmp to collect Cisco Discovery Protocol data via snmp. Since I am working with CDP, I am using the and the issues that I am facing are with unpacking the contents of cdpCacheCapabilities and cdpCacheAddressType. I have seen many examples and tried them in my code, but they do not help my particular scenario. Please help me understand the principles behind unpacking so that I can not only apply them to the two MIBs I am working but also with other MIBs that are also likely to return data in a packed format. The results of the cdpCacheCapabilities should be similar to "00000040", I've gotten as far as being able to print the results, but "0x" always precedes my value, I need the value only, without the notation. The results of cdpCacheAddress should be an IP address in hex notation. For cdpCacheAddress I need to first unpack the contents, thus leaving me with a hex string and then convert that to an IP address i.e. "". Kindly explain the logic behind your answer so that I can adjust it in other scenarios. Thanks

from pysnmp.hlapi import *
from pysnmp import debug
import binascii
import struct

#use specific flags or 'all' for full debugging
#debug.setLogger(debug.Debug('dsp', 'msgproc'))

for (errorIndication,
     varBinds) in nextCmd(SnmpEngine(),
                          UdpTransportTarget(('', 161)),
                          ObjectType(ObjectIdentity('CISCO-CDP-MIB', 'cdpCacheCapabilities')),

    if errorIndication:
    elif errorStatus:
        print('%s at %s' % (errorStatus.prettyPrint(),
                            errorIndex and varBinds[int(errorIndex) - 1][0] or '?'))
        for varBind in varBinds:
            value = varBind[-1]
            arg = value.prettyPrint()
            #dec = format(value,'x')
            #dec = repr(value)
            dec = struct.unpack('c',value)


  • By enabling MIB lookup you are asking pysnmp to use MIB to convert SNMP variable-binding pairs (OID and value) into something human-friendly.

    If you need just bare, non-formatted values and assuming that the type of these two managed objects are OCTET STRING, you can call .asOctets() or .asNumbers() methods on the value to get a sequence of either a raw str|bytes or int:

    for oid, value in varBinds:
       raw_string = value.asOctets()
       raw_ints = value.asNumbers()


    Once you have raw values, you can turn them into whatever:

    >>> ''.join(['%.2x' % x for x in b'\x00\x00\x04\x90'])
    >>> '.'.join(['%d' % x for x in (10,0,1,202)])