I am running into a bit of a wall using the gather() and unite() functions from tidyr.
This example is the intended output
# sample Data
> wide_df
col A B C
1 X 1 2 3
2 Y 4 5 6
> gather(wide_df, my_key, my_val, -col)
col my_key my_val
1 X A 1
2 Y A 4
3 X B 2
4 Y B 5
5 X C 3
6 Y C 6
However, using my actual data, I get a different result.
# Actual Data
col Too_demanding Cost_Too_High Prefer_Stay_ParentHome
1 Austin NA NA Prefer_Stay_ParentHome
2 Austin Too_demanding NA NA
reasons <-gather(Austin_Parent_Pulse_Survey, reasonsWhy,High_Childcare_Cost:Other_Stay_At_Home)
Then I get this output
# A tibble: 30,900 x 2
reasonsWhy `High_Childcare_Cost:Other_Stay_At_Home`
<chr> <chr>
1 Austin Yes
2 Austin Yes
3 Austin Yes
4 Austin Yes
5 Austin Yes
6 Austin Yes
What am I doing wrong?
I want my actual output to look like the sample output. Your help is greatly appreciated.
I would like to get this type of output
# Intended Output
Respondent Reasons
1 Austin High_Childcare_Cost
2 Austin Other_Stay_At_Home
3 Austin Too_demanding
4 Austin Too_demanding
5 Austin High_Childcare_Cost
6 Austin Other_Stay_At_Home
You have to put how you call (database, attribute_name, value_variable_name, columns you collect), looks like you miss to name value_variable_name. Below is example based on iris
reasons <- gather(iris,
reasonsWhy, Value,