I can't seems to be able to access to a image field in a paragraphs module.
I can access to other fields value but not the image field.
$paragraph = Paragraph::load($team_type['target_id']);
$new_obj->title = $paragraph->field_title->value;
$new_obj->age = $paragraph->field_age->value;
$new_obj->info = $paragraph->field_about_info->value;
$new_obj->link = $paragraph->field_link_to_page->value;
$new_obj->logo = $paragraph->field_logo_image->value;
The field_logo_image doesn't have anything in it. I did a google search but still can't able to find a solution.
I did checked the image field unique name and it's correct.
My question is, how do you access to an image field in Drupal 8 paragraphs module from your custom module?
This may not be exactly what you're looking for but i was able to get the image style url doing this.
$paragraph = Paragraph::load($paragraph_image[0]['target_id']);
$ogPara = $paragraph->get('field_image')->entity->uri->value;
$style = ImageStyle::load('list_thumbnail_square_100x100');
$url = $style->buildUrl($ogPara);