Given the following data in the jsonb column p06
in the table ryzom_characters
-[ RECORD 1 ]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
p06 | {
"id": 675010,
"cname": "Bob",
"rpjobs": [
"progress": 25
"progress": 13
"progress": 30
I am attempting to sum the value of progress
. I have attempted the following:
c.cname AS cname,
jsonb_array_elements(c.p06->'rpjobs')::jsonb->'progress' AS value
FROM ryzom_characters c
Where cid = 675010
Which correctly lists the values:
cname | value
Savisi | 30
Savisi | 25
Savisi | 13
(3 rows)
But now I would like to sum these values, which could be null.
How do I correctly sum an object field within an array?
Here is the table structure:
Table "public.ryzom_characters"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
cid | bigint | | |
cname | character varying(255) | | not null |
p06 | jsonb | | |
x01 | jsonb | | |
Use the function jsonb_array_elements()
in a lateral join in the from clause:
select cname, sum(coalesce(value, '0')::int) as value
from (
p06->>'cname' as cname,
value->>'progress' as value
from ryzom_characters
cross join jsonb_array_elements(p06->'rpjobs')
where cid = 675010
) s
group by cname
order by value desc
limit 50;
You can use left join instead of cross join to protect the query against inconsistent data:
left join jsonb_array_elements(p06->'rpjobs')
on jsonb_typeof(p06->'rpjobs') = 'array'
where p06->'rpjobs' <> 'null'