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Swift using ObjectMapper

I am parsing json from server. I am getting 4 values in json so I created model class

class PriceData: Mappable {
var buy: Double?
var sell: Double?
var spot_price: NSNumber?
var timestamp: String?
var timesStampDt: Date?

required init?(map: Map) {

func mapping(map: Map) {
    buy <- map["buy"]
    sell <- map["sell"]
    spot_price <- map["spot_price"]
    timestamp <- map["timestamp"]
    print(String(describing: GlobalMethods.dateFormat(dt: timestamp!)))
    timesStampDt <- map[String(describing: GlobalMethods.dateFormat(dt:            

I am geting timestamp as string type but I need to covert into date while parsing so I converted timeStamp to date by using this method and

   static func dateFormat(dt: String) -> Date{
    let formatter = Foundation.DateFormatter()
    formatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ"
    let date1  = dt)
    print("date:\(String(describing: date1))")
    formatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ"
    let resultTime = dt)
    return resultTime!

but I when passing the converted date to "timesStampDt" in mapping func the value of timesStampDt is nil.enter image description here


  • You probably want to use Transform method from object mapper. Check DateTransform class and use it like follows.

    timesStampDt <- (map["timestamp"], DateTransform())

    Tis will transform your timestamp to Date. You can further study the transform class and make any Object Transform for yourself, This is very flexible