Search code examples

Marklogic Search Grammar syntax with constraints

I have constraints like below.. with a constraint

<options xmlns="">
        <cts:and-query xmlns:cts="">
    <constraint name="search-text">
            <field name="wos_topic"/>

When I do the search string '(search-text:(patient* OR adult*))' I get results completely different from when I do this '(search-text:patient*) OR (search-text:adult*)'.. Isn't both the same ?


  • You can easily see the difference if you apply search:parse on your search strings:

    xquery version "1.0-ml";
    import module namespace search = ""
         at "/MarkLogic/appservices/search/search.xqy";
    let $options := <options xmlns="">
            <cts:and-query xmlns:cts="">
        <constraint name="search-text">
                <field name="wos_topic"/>
    return (
      search:parse("(search-text:(patient* OR adult*))", $options),
      search:parse("(search-text:patient*) OR (search-text:adult*)", $options)

    The search parser supports fairly complex search strings with AND, OR, NEAR, etc, but the support for feeding multiple values into a single constraint is lacking. The latter is the right way of writing it. The first simply gets the parser confused from the looks of it, and as a result the OR gets lost, effectively causing it to search for the phrase search-text:"patient* adult*" which is kind of the same as requiring both terms.
