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React native node modules: how to keep changes in Android modules in git?

I have a React native project which requires to change some code inside the Android project of some library. The problem is that the library is positioned inside the node_modules folder and it's not been saved when pushing to get, because node_modules is ignored. I know I can remove node_modules from .gitignore but I think there should me another way, some better practice?


  • Best way is that customize your module and use it from another address! for example I written many module and saved them like this :

            ./custom_modules <-- here!

    Note : In your android folder you need some changes! for example,

    from :

    project(':react-native-someModules').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-onesignal/android')

    to :

    project(':react-native-someModules').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../custom_modules/react-native-alarm-manager/android')

    But why is this common solution?

    Usually node_modules size is very large and it's not good to upload this to git or copy paste from a system to another, and for solve this problem, npm save module name's in package.json and everywhere that you want can run npm i and get node_modules!