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Why does `PyObject_GenericSetAttr` behave differently with lambdas than named functions

I was recently experimenting with monkey patching built in types (Yes I know this is a terrible idea---trust me, this is for educational purposes only).

I discovered that there is an odd distinction between lambda expressions and functions declared with def. Take a look at this iPython session:

In [1]: %load_ext cython

In [2]: %%cython
   ...: from cpython.object cimport PyObject_GenericSetAttr
   ...: def feet_to_meters(feet):
   ...:     """Converts feet to meters"""
   ...:     return feet / 3.28084
   ...: PyObject_GenericSetAttr(int, 'feet_to_meters', feet_to_meters)

In [3]: (20).feet_to_meters()
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-3-63ba776af1c9> in <module>()
----> 1 (20).feet_to_meters()

TypeError: feet_to_meters() takes exactly one argument (0 given)

Now, if I wrap feet_to_meters with a lambda, everything works!

In [4]: %%cython
   ...: from cpython.object cimport PyObject_GenericSetAttr
   ...: def feet_to_meters(feet):
   ...:     """Converts feet to meters"""
   ...:     return feet / 3.28084
   ...: PyObject_GenericSetAttr(int, 'feet_to_meters', lambda x: feet_to_meters(x))

In [5]: (20).feet_to_meters()
Out[5]: 6.095999804928006

What is going on with this?


  • Your problem can be reproduced in Python and without (very) dirty tricks:

    class A:
       pass = lambda x: abs(1)
    A.dont = abs
    A().works()  # works
    A().dont()   # error

    The difference is, that abs is a builtin-function of type PyCFunctionObject, while lambda is of type PyFunctionObject (a C is missing compared to PyCFunction...).

    Those cfunctions just cannot be used for patching, see for example PEP-579.

    The problem, which is also mentioned in PEP-579, that cython-functions are PyCFunctions and thus are seen as builtin-functions:

    def foo():
    >>> type(foo)

    That means, you cannot use the Cython-function directly for monkey patching, but have to wrap them into a lambda or similar, as you already do. One should not worry about performance, because due to method-lookup there is already overhead, having a little bit more of it doesn't change things dramatically.

    I must confess, I don't know why this is the case (historically). But in the current code (Python3.8) you can easily find the crucial line in _PyObject_GetMethod, which makes the difference:

    descr = _PyType_Lookup(tp, name);
        if (descr != NULL) {
            if (PyFunction_Check(descr) ||  # HERE WE GO
                    (Py_TYPE(descr) == &PyMethodDescr_Type)) {
                meth_found = 1;
    } else {

    After looking-up the function (here descr) in the dictionary _PyType_Lookup(tp, name), method_found is set to 1 only if the found function is of type PyFunction, which is not the case for builtin-PyCFunctions. Thus abs and Co aren't seen as methods, but stay kind of "staticmethod".

    The easiest way to find a starting point for the investigation, is to inspect the produced opcode for:

    import dis
    def f():

    i.e. the following opcode(and seems to have changed since Python3.6):

    2         0 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 (a)
              2 LOAD_METHOD              1 (fun)  #HERE WE GO
              4 CALL_METHOD              0
              6 POP_TOP
              8 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
             10 RETURN_VALUE

    We can inspect the corresponding part in ceval.c:

                /* Designed to work in tamdem with CALL_METHOD. */
                PyObject *name = GETITEM(names, oparg);
                PyObject *obj = TOP();
                PyObject *meth = NULL;
                int meth_found = _PyObject_GetMethod(obj, name, &meth);

    and let the gdb take us from there.

    As @user2357112 has rightly pointed out, if PyCFunctionObject would support the descriptor protocol (more precisely to provide tp_descr_get), even after meth_found = 0; it still would have a fall back which would lead to the desired behavior. PyFunctionObject does provide it, but PyCFunctionObject does not.

    Older versions used LOAD_ATTR+CALL_FUNCTION for and in order to work, function-objects had to support the descriptor protocol. But now it seems not to be mandatory.

    My quick tests with extending the crucial line with PyCFunction_Check(descr) to:

     if (PyFunction_Check(descr) || PyCFunction_Check(descr) ||
                    (Py_TYPE(descr) == &PyMethodDescr_Type)) 

    have shown, that then also builtin-methods would work as bound-methods (at least for the case above). But this would probably break something - I didn't run any bigger tests.

    However, as @user2357112 mentioned (thanks again), this would lead to a inconsistency, because meth = still uses LOAD_ATTR and thus depends on the descriptor protocol.

    Recommendation: I found this answer helpful in understanding, what is going on in the case of LOAD_ATTR.