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Grails urlmapping using id and name

hey all, i have a question about urlmapping in grails. I'm trying to make seo friendly url's using a page name and id. I got the follwing in my URLMapping:

class UrlMappings {

static mappings = {
        controller = "page"
        action = "view"

Witch is working, but.... the id won't clear in the urlbar, so the first time i click a link all goes well: http://localhost:8080/SuurdGasControl/2/Gasmetingen

But for the next page it shows: http://localhost:8080/SuurdGasControl/2/6/Ontgassen

note that the id "2" hasn't been removed...

Any help or thoughts?


URLMapping now looks like this:

class UrlMappings {

  static mappings = {
        constraints {
                // apply constraints here

    name stfu: "/id/$id/$name" {
        controller = 'page'
        action = 'view'



Creating a link is as simple as:

<g:link mapping="stfu" params="[id: pageId, name: pageName]">${oNavigationInstance.toString()}</g:link>


  • Try to use a named URL mapping as described on