I'm searching over user notes with no criteria. When I only included a few basic results columns (Date, Author, Title, Memo, Internal Id), there were 86 results.
Then I added another results column, a Formula (Numeric) field with the following formula: 'Sales Order #'||{transaction.transactionnumber}||''
Now when I run the search, there are 6 results, and they are all identical.
Why are the duplicates showing up? I am aware that user notes show up on different records (Sales Order, Customer Record, etc). Could this be why?
I would like to be able to filter out those duplicates. Any help would be appreciated!
You're getting duplicates because you are joining to a Transaction, and in NetSuite Searches, Transactions display one result per sublist line.
You'll want to add a transaction.mainline
filter as well to only show body-level results for the Transaction.
Here's a video explaining the details: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msNttISYovo