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visual analogue scale psychopy

I'm developing a metacognition experiment in PsychoPy (v. 1.90.1) and I need a visual analogue scale to measure confidence. However, I can't find a way to remove the numeric values (0 and 1) from the extremities of the Psychopy VAS. Is there any way to hide them?

I need the word labels ("Not at all confident", "Extremely confident") but I would also like to have the answers recorded on a 0-100 scale (or an equivalent 0-1) as the analogue scale does (so switching to categorical wouldn't do).

Any suggestion?

Thanks in advance.



  • Take a look at the documentation, particularly labels and scale. This is one solution:

    # Set up window and scale
    from psychopy import visual
    win = visual.Window()
    scale = visual.RatingScale(win, 
        labels=['Not at all confident', 'Extremely confident'],   # End points
        scale=None,  # Suppress default
        low=1, high=100, tickHeight=0)
    # Show scale
    while scale.noResponse:
    # Show response
    print scale.getRating(), scale.getRT()