How do you preload all the records with their URLs?
This is what I am doing in my jbuilder to get the URLs:
# views/users/index.json.jbuilder
json.avatar_url user.avatar.attached? && rails_blob_url(user.avatar)
has_one :user
has_one_attached :avatar
How would you preload all the users and their avatars?
Comments.includes(users: :avatar)
yields the following error:
ActiveRecord::AssociationNotFoundError (Association named 'avatar' was not found on User; perhaps you misspelled it?)
The same error pops up when executing:
For a singular attachment named :avatar
, Active Storage adds a with_attached_avatar
scope that preloads the relevant associations:
@users.with_attached_avatar.each do |user|
# ...
See the API documentation for has_one_attached