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Thymeleaf: Use a link with 'th:href' in Javascript

I have the following link:

<a th:href="@{/linkToPage}">...</a>

which works. But now I have a workaround where I have to "create" this link in Javascript:

    '<a th:href="@{/linkToPage}">...</a>'

but now the link does not work anymore. Is there a way to get link work and call the corresponding 'get' method in the controller? Thank you very much.


  • You can achieve it using Thymeleaf script inlining. Try to add th:inline="javascript" to the script tag and initizialize a link variable to use it in your script as follows. You can find out more about Thymeleaf script inlining here.

    <script type="text/javascript" th:inline="javascript">
        var link = /*[[@{/linkToPage}]]*/'';
            '<a href="' + link + '">...</a>'