Search code examples

FIND_IN_SET in cakephp not working

I have a table in which category ids are stored in the DB as comma separated values, so I need to search another array in this comma separated values.

Need to search $required_ids_array in Posts.category_ids

$required_ids_array = Array (
        [0] => 14 
        [1] => 15 
        [2] => 16 
        [3] => 25 
        [4] => 35 

    foreach ($required_ids_array as  $storeId) {
        $condition = array ();
        $condition ['AND'] ['Post.status']=1;
        $blogs = $this->Post->find('all', array(
                'conditions' => $condition,
                'order' => '',

Thanks in advance


  • This solution worked for me :)

    $blogs = $this->Post->find ( 'all', array (
                                        'conditions' => array (
                                        'Post.status' => 1,
                                        ' !=' => $id,
                                        'FIND_IN_SET(?, Post.category_ids)' => array ($storeId) ),
                                'limit' => 4,
                                'order' => 'Blog.modified DESC'  
                        ) );