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Flatmap Promise in JS

This must have been asked before, but how do you flatten a promise in JS?

Something like this:

let justAPromise: Promise<something> = aPromise.flatMap( a => getAnotherPromise());

Or something like this:

let promiseOfPromise: Promise<Promise<something>> = aPromise.then( a => getAnotherPromise());
let justAPromise: Promise<something> = promiseOfPromise.flatten();


Clarification on what I mean by flattening a promise. I see a massive difference between the following two. The first is a promise of int, and the second is a promise of a promise of int:


Promise.resolve("whatever").then(a => Promise.resolve(23));


  • Just chain your promises:

    let justAPromise: Promise<something> = aPromise.then( a => getAnotherPromise());

    The example below show you that it's flattend by this way:

    var aPromise = new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve("a"), 1000));
    var getAnotherPromise = () => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve("another"), 1000));
    var justAPromise = aPromise.then(a => getAnotherPromise());
    justAPromise.then(res => console.log(res)); // <-- this print "another"