Search code examples

Ordering DOMXPath query results by node-depth

Given this example document snippet:

<html xmlns="" xmlns:zuq="http://localhost/~/zuqml">
    <zuq:data name="a" />
        <zuq:data name="b" />
        <zuq:data name="c">
            <zuq:format type="trim">
                <zuq:param name="length">300</zuq:param>
                <zuq:param name="append">
                        <zuq:data name="d" />
        <zuq:data name="e">
            <zuq:format type="trim">
                <zuq:param name="length">300</zuq:param>
                <zuq:param name="append">
                        <zuq:data name="f" />

I'm trying to grab the <zuq:data /> nodes to manipulate, but in a certain order: deepest first.

I've currently gotten up to this point:

$nodeList = $xpath->query('.//zuq:data[not(ancestor::zuq:region)]');
foreach($nodeList as $node){
    $nodeOrder[] = Array($xpath->evaluate('count(ancestor::*)', $node) => $node->getAttribute('name'));


Which of course spits out this:

[0] => Array
        [2] => a
[1] => Array
        [3] => b
[2] => Array
        [3] => c
[3] => Array
        [7] => d
[4] => Array
        [3] => e
[5] => Array
        [7] => f

Now I'm considering just using array_multi_sort() or usort() to order the DOMNode objects for manipulation if I were to go forward with my current 'solution'. However, it seems to me that someone might know of a more efficient way to go about this.

Any thoughts?

Note: My XPath query string is doing more than what is relevant here, for other unnecessary implementation details. I just pieced this example together from where I'm at currently.


  • I ended up going with usort() Manipulation of the DOM tree became increasingly complicated, so a callback function was necessary.