I'm trying to apply a background for what ever the control the effect is attached to.
First i made the effect to apply a background for the controls that have either a Fill or Background properties in UWP. But the problem is a lot of controls renderes to FrameworkElement in UWP. And FrameworkElement doesn't have a Background property . In the VisualElementRenderer Xamarin forms adresses this issue be applying a background layer behind the content but this is an effect. Is there is any way to apply a background for whatever the effect is attached to? I'm appplying an AcrylicBrush So it must be assigned to the Control directly.
The code i written before:
Control.GetType().GetProperty("Background").SetValue(Control, brush);
Control.GetType().GetProperty("Fill").SetValue(Control, brush);
I'm appplying an AcrylicBrush So it must be assigned to the Control directly.
You could use compositor
to apply Acrylic to SpriteVisual
. We use Win2D to make GaussianBlurEffect
for UIElement
before we have Acrylic API. Get Compositor
of UIElement, and use this Compositor
to CreateSpriteVisual
. then set GaussianBlurEffect
to hostSprite.Brush
like the following.
Compositor _compositor;
SpriteVisual _hostSprite;
private void applyAcrylicAccent(Panel panel)
_compositor = ElementCompositionPreview.GetElementVisual(panel).Compositor;
_hostSprite = _compositor.CreateSpriteVisual();
_hostSprite.Size = new Vector2((float)panel.ActualWidth, (float)panel.ActualHeight);
var backdrop = _compositor.CreateHostBackdropBrush();
// Use a Win2D blur affect applied to a CompositionBackdropBrush.
var graphicsEffect = new GaussianBlurEffect
Name = "Blur",
BlurAmount = 100f,
Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("backdrop")
var effectFactory = Window.Current.Compositor.CreateEffectFactory(graphicsEffect, new[] { "Blur.BlurAmount" });
var effectBrush = effectFactory.CreateBrush();
effectBrush.SetSourceParameter("backdrop", backdrop);
_hostSprite.Brush = effectBrush;
ElementCompositionPreview.SetElementChildVisual(panel, _hostSprite);
And calling it with applyAcrylicAccent(RootLayout). You also will need to handle the SizeChanged
event :
private void LayoutRoot_SizeChanged(object sender, SizeChangedEventArgs e)
if (_hostSprite != null)
_hostSprite.Size = e.NewSize.ToVector2();