I am novice to C# and have been trying to mock an object of type System.Threading.Tasks.Task<EMCResponse>
but could not succeed. Can anyone help me how to mock?
public class PEProcessor : IPEProcessor
public PEProcessor(IService service)
_proxy = service;
_emUpdate = new EMUpdate(service);
public void CreateAddress(string modelName, string version, string name, MType mType, Address address, EMRequest request)
var response = _proxy.EMCreateAsync(request); // should return object of type (awaitable) System.Threading.Tasks.Task<EMCResponse>
address.Id = Convert.ToInt32(response.Result.CM[0].Code);
I am mocking as below
public void RequestIsVerifiable()
var wcfMock = new Mock<IService>();
// wcfMock.Setup(x => x.EMCreateAsync(It.IsAny<EMCreateRequest>())).ReturnAsync(??);
var peProcessor = new PEProcessor(wcfMock.Object);
peProcessor.CreateAddress(MoqData.ModelName, MoqData.version, MoqData.name,
MoqData.MType, MoqData.AddressesList(), MoqData.EMRequest);
wcfMock.Verify(service => service.EMCreateAsync(It.IsAny<EMCreateRequest>()), Times.AtLeastOnce);
Thanks in advance!!
Then you need to setup the mock to return the expected result so that the test can be exercised as expected.
var response = new EMCResponse {
.Setup(x => x.EMCreateAsync(It.IsAny<EMCreateRequest>()))
That said, If it is possible to refactor that code to be async all the way and not have to make blocking calls.
public class PEProcessor : IPEProcessor {
public PEProcessor(IService service) {
_proxy = service;
_emUpdate = new EMUpdate(service);
public async Task CreateAddress(string modelName, string version, string name, MType mType, Address address, EMRequest request) {
var response = await _proxy.EMCreateAsync(request); // should return object of type (awaitable) System.Threading.Tasks.Task<EMCResponse>
address.Id = Convert.ToInt32(response.CM[0].Code);
The can be exercised as follows
public async Task RequestIsVerifiable() {
var wcfMock = new Mock<IService>();
var response = new EMCResponse {
.Setup(x => x.EMCreateAsync(It.IsAny<EMCreateRequest>()))
var peProcessor = new PEProcessor(wcfMock.Object);
await peProcessor.CreateAddress(MoqData.ModelName, MoqData.version, MoqData.name,
MoqData.MType, MoqData.AddressesList(), MoqData.EMRequest);
wcfMock.Verify(service => service.EMCreateAsync(It.IsAny<EMCreateRequest>()), Times.AtLeastOnce);