I need to open and parse several XML files, keeping the data in memory, and then sort the result.
The script is not finished because I don't know how keep the information in a hash or a variable, that's why I need your help.
use strict;
use warnings 'all';
use POSIX;
use XML::LibXML;
print strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', localtime), "\n";
my $DIR = "/totest/";
# Looking for XML files
opendir(DIR, $DIR);
my @SEARCH = grep(/^XML-[0-9]{8}_[0-9]{6}.FR.*.FORTESTING.xml$/, readdir(DIR));
my ($product, $series, $voditem, $episode) = ("", "", "", "");
# If data file so
if ( scalar(@SEARCH) ) {
foreach ( @SEARCH ) {
my $filename = $DIR . $_;
my $doc = XML::LibXML->load_xml(location => $filename);
$product = $doc->getDocumentElement->findnodes("/ScheduleProvider/Product")->[0]->toString, "\n";
$series = $doc->getDocumentElement->findnodes("/ScheduleProvider/Series"->[0]->toString, "\n";
$episode = $doc->getDocumentElement->findnodes("/ScheduleProvider/Episode")->[0]->toString, "\n";
$voditem = $doc->getDocumentElement->findnodes("/ScheduleProvider/VodItem")->[0]->toString, "\n";
print "$series\n";
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ScheduleProvider id="FRT">
<Product action="override" type="single">
<Price currency="EUR">0.00</Price>
<EpgDescription locale="fr_FR">
<EpgElement key="Title">NO TITLE</EpgElement>
<Product action="override" type="single">
<Price currency="EUR">0.00</Price>
<EpgDescription locale="fr_FR">
<EpgElement key="Title">NO TITLE</EpgElement>
<Series id="TS30200026214" action="override">
<EpgElement key="IsRecordable">0</EpgElement>
<Series id="TS20200026214" action="override">
<EpgElement key="IsRecordable">0</EpgElement>
<Episode action="override" id="TS303687645464" seriesRef="TS30200026214">
<Media id="TS300687645464"/>
<Episode action="override" id="TS203182282260" seriesRef="TS20200026214">
<Media id="TS200182282260"/>
<VodItem action="override" contentRef="TS303687645464" id="TS304687645464">
<Period year="2017"/>
<VodItem action="override" contentRef="TS203182282260" id="TS204182282260">
<Period year="2018"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ScheduleProvider id="FRT">
<Product action="override" type="single">
<Price currency="EUR">0.00</Price>
<EpgDescription locale="fr_FR">
<EpgElement key="Title">NO TITLE</EpgElement>
<Series id="TS30200026214" action="override">
<EpgElement key="IsRecordable">0</EpgElement>
<Episode action="override" id="TS303687645464" seriesRef="TS30200026214">
<Media id="TS300687645464"/>
<VodItem action="override" contentRef="TS303687645464" id="TS304687645464">
<Period year="2017"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ScheduleProvider id="FRT">
<Product action="override" type="single">
<Price currency="EUR">0.00</Price>
<EpgDescription locale="fr_FR">
<EpgElement key="Title">NO TITLE</EpgElement>
<Series id="TS20200026214" action="override">
<EpgElement key="IsRecordable">0</EpgElement>
<Episode action="override" id="TS203182282260" seriesRef="TS20200026214">
<Media id="TS200182282260"/>
<VodItem action="override" contentRef="TS203182282260" id="TS204182282260">
<Period year="2018"/>
Inside your if (scalar(@SEARCH))
block, change your code to something like this. It creates a new XML document, and adds the nodes you want from the opened XML docs. I also cleaned up some of the unnecessary verbosity in the XML methods.
use strict;
use warnings;
use XML::LibXML;
# create new xml doc
my $new_doc = XML::LibXML::Document->new('1.0','utf-8');
my $new_root = $new_doc->createElement('ScheduleProvider');
# for example purposes, let's say the file paths are in the command line arguments
for my $fn (@ARGV) {
die "file $fn not found" unless -e $fn;
my $doc = XML::LibXML->load_xml(location => $fn);
my $dom = $doc->getDocumentElement;
# add the nodes to the new xml doc
for my $xpath (qw<//Product //Series //Episode //VodItem>) {
$new_root->appendChild($_) for $dom->findnodes($xpath);
print $new_doc->toString;