I have to get Dow Jones Index using rest API in Flash. I found YahooApi, it works well on other indexes, but returns nothing on DJI. I have tested it here: http://goo.gl/irKeK
Nether ^DJI nor ^DJIA returns Dow Jones index. ^NDX works well. How can I get this index too?
If there is any other rest API option to get indexes, let me know. Thank you
You should try INDU
(no caret ^) - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/$INDU
select * from yahoo.finance.quotes where symbol in ("^NDX","INDU")
instead which returns the
<quote symbol="^DJI">
From the forums,
... I understand you're reporting that you cannot download CSV data for ^DJI. I can certainly give you more information about this. The limitation you are encountering is due to restrictions by the Dow Jones Index. Yahoo! is no longer able to provide Dow Jones Index data in this manner. I apologize for any inconvenience caused. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance. Thank you again for contacting Yahoo! Finance.
Regards, Brett Yahoo! Finance Customer Care
source - http://developer.yahoo.net/forum/?showtopic=6943&endsession=1