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WPF Textbox Element freezes when setting the text property to a large string

I am currently developing an UWP app and I encountered a problem with the TextBox WPF Element, which seems to have terrible performance when dealing with larger texts. Pasting a large text from the clipboard into the textbox works perfectly fine, but when I try to set the text programmatically it freezes the entire application:

textbox.Text = sb.ToString(); //Freezes or takes for ever

This is how I defined the textbox in my MainPage.xaml:

<TextBox x:Name="textbox" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto" TextWrapping="Wrap" Margin="0,0,0,70"/>

Does anyone know of a solution to this performance problem or are there any alternative text field elements I could use?


  • Ok... I've been able to get the time it takes to add the text to take up to 133 milliseconds is the highest I found. That's a slight jitter; if I add 50K characters it takes about 1000ms which is noticeable but not that bad given the number of characters.

    To perform the test I first made a view with: ProgressBar to detect UI freezing / jitter. TextBlock to show time in milliseconds it takes to add the text. Button to start the adding of the text. TextBox to add the text to.


    <Page x:Class="Question_Answer_UWPApp.MainPage"
        <StackPanel Background="{ThemeResource ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush}">
            <ProgressBar Name="progressBarAddingText"
                         IsIndeterminate="True" />
            <TextBlock Name="textBlockAddingTextTime" />
            <Button Content="Add Text"
                    Click="ButtonClick" />
            <TextBox Name="textBoxAddingText"
                     Margin="0,0,0,70" />


    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    using Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls;
    namespace Question_Answer_UWPApp
        public sealed partial class MainPage : Page
            public static Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
            public MainPage()
            public async void AddTextAsynchronously()
                var text = await Task.Run(() =>
                    var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                    for (int i = 0; i < 5000; i++)
                    return stringBuilder.ToString();
                textBoxAddingText.Text = text;
                textBlockAddingTextTime.Text = $"{stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString()} milliseconds";
            private void ButtonClick(object sender, Windows.UI.Xaml.RoutedEventArgs e)

    In this test I got about 133ms but when I place the StringBuilder outside of the Task and use the Task just to build the StringBuilder (essentially allowing me to say .Text = stringBuilder.ToString() it takes about another 10 milliseconds. Which means the StringBuilder isn't the bottle neck. I don't believe the adding of the text to the TextBox is your bottleneck either.

    With this test I feel that you should look in other locations for your bottleneck. This should safely answer the question that adding text to the TextBox via code isn't time consuming.