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WinSCP - Rename file in a directory, where listing/browsing is forbidden

I'm moving to using over FTP.exe due to it's capabilities of being able to use PASSIVE mode. I have started to convert my FTP script to WinSCP and noticed something that is happening and I don't have a solution for.

Current script - (ftpcommands.txt)

open ftp://user:[email protected]/
cd /
put -transfer=binary "C:\Users\username\Desktop\test folder\myfile.7z.uploading"
mv "myfile.7z.uploading" "myfile.7z"

Calling it from console window

Bin\ /script="ftpcommands.txt" /ini=nul

Console window results

Connecting to ...
Starting the session...
Session started.
Active session: [1] [email protected]
myfile.7z.uploading       |         193 KB |  754.8 KB/s | binary | 100%
Can't get attributes of file 'myfile.7z.uploading'.
Could not retrieve file information
Permission denied.

WinSCP log file (when using the /log=winscp.log switch)

. 2018-08-09 13:09:43.432 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
. 2018-08-09 13:09:43.432 WinSCP Version 5.13.3 (Build 8565) (OS 10.0.17134 - Windows 10 Enterprise)
. 2018-08-09 13:09:43.432 Configuration: nul
. 2018-08-09 13:09:43.432 Log level: Normal
. 2018-08-09 13:09:43.432 Local account: GALAXY\username
. 2018-08-09 13:09:43.432 Working directory: C:\Users\username\Desktop\test folder
. 2018-08-09 13:09:43.432 Process ID: 30844
. 2018-08-09 13:09:43.432 Command-line: "C:\Users\username\Desktop\test folder\Bin\WinSCP.exe" /console=5.13.3 /consoleinstance=_18928_436 "/script=Logs\ftpcommands.txt" "/ini=nul" "/log=winscp.log" 
. 2018-08-09 13:09:43.432 Time zone: Current: GMT-4, Standard: GMT-5 (Eastern Standard Time), DST: GMT-4 (Eastern Daylight Time), DST Start: 3/11/2018, DST End: 11/4/2018
. 2018-08-09 13:09:43.510 Login time: Thursday, August 9, 2018 1:09:43 PM
. 2018-08-09 13:09:43.510 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
. 2018-08-09 13:09:43.510 Script: Retrospectively logging previous script records:
> 2018-08-09 13:09:43.510 Script: open ftp://user:***
. 2018-08-09 13:09:43.510 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
. 2018-08-09 13:09:43.510 Session name: [email protected] (Ad-Hoc site)
. 2018-08-09 13:09:43.510 Host name: (Port: 21)
. 2018-08-09 13:09:43.510 User name: user (Password: Yes, Key file: No, Passphrase: No)
. 2018-08-09 13:09:43.510 Transfer Protocol: FTP
. 2018-08-09 13:09:43.510 Ping type: Dummy, Ping interval: 30 sec; Timeout: 15 sec
. 2018-08-09 13:09:43.510 Disable Nagle: No
. 2018-08-09 13:09:43.510 Proxy: None
. 2018-08-09 13:09:43.510 Send buffer: 262144
. 2018-08-09 13:09:43.510 UTF: Auto
. 2018-08-09 13:09:43.510 FTPS: None [Client certificate: No]
. 2018-08-09 13:09:43.510 FTP: Passive: Yes [Force IP: Auto]; MLSD: Auto [List all: Auto]; HOST: Auto
. 2018-08-09 13:09:43.510 Local directory: default, Remote directory: home, Update: Yes, Cache: Yes
. 2018-08-09 13:09:43.510 Cache directory changes: Yes, Permanent: Yes
. 2018-08-09 13:09:43.510 Recycle bin: Delete to: No, Overwritten to: No, Bin path: 
. 2018-08-09 13:09:43.510 Timezone offset: 0h 0m
. 2018-08-09 13:09:43.510 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
. 2018-08-09 13:09:43.510 Connecting to ...
. 2018-08-09 13:09:43.573 Connected with Waiting for welcome message...
< 2018-08-09 13:09:43.588 220-Welcome
< 2018-08-09 13:09:43.588 220-
< 2018-08-09 13:09:43.588 220-Company FTP Server
> 2018-08-09 13:09:43.588 USER user
< 2018-08-09 13:09:43.620 331 Password required for user
> 2018-08-09 13:09:43.620 PASS ****
< 2018-08-09 13:09:43.635 230 Logged on
> 2018-08-09 13:09:43.635 SYST
< 2018-08-09 13:09:43.651 215 UNIX emulated by FileZilla
> 2018-08-09 13:09:43.651 FEAT
< 2018-08-09 13:09:43.682 211-Features:
< 2018-08-09 13:09:43.682  MDTM
< 2018-08-09 13:09:43.698  REST STREAM
< 2018-08-09 13:09:43.698  SIZE
< 2018-08-09 13:09:43.698  MLST type*;size*;modify*;
< 2018-08-09 13:09:43.698  MLSD
< 2018-08-09 13:09:43.698  AUTH SSL
< 2018-08-09 13:09:43.698  AUTH TLS
< 2018-08-09 13:09:43.698  PROT
< 2018-08-09 13:09:43.698  PBSZ
< 2018-08-09 13:09:43.698  UTF8
< 2018-08-09 13:09:43.698  CLNT
< 2018-08-09 13:09:43.698  MFMT
< 2018-08-09 13:09:43.698  EPSV
< 2018-08-09 13:09:43.698  EPRT
< 2018-08-09 13:09:43.698 211 End
> 2018-08-09 13:09:43.698 CLNT WinSCP-release-5.13.3
< 2018-08-09 13:09:43.698 200 Don't care
> 2018-08-09 13:09:43.698 OPTS UTF8 ON
< 2018-08-09 13:09:43.713 202 UTF8 mode is always enabled. No need to send this command.
. 2018-08-09 13:09:43.713 Connected
. 2018-08-09 13:09:43.713 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
. 2018-08-09 13:09:43.713 Using FTP protocol.
. 2018-08-09 13:09:43.713 Doing startup conversation with host.
> 2018-08-09 13:09:43.713 PWD
< 2018-08-09 13:09:43.729 257 "/" is current directory.
. 2018-08-09 13:09:43.729 Getting current directory name.
. 2018-08-09 13:09:43.729 Startup conversation with host finished.
< 2018-08-09 13:09:43.729 Script: Active session: [1] [email protected]
> 2018-08-09 13:09:43.746 Script: cd /
. 2018-08-09 13:09:43.746 Changing directory to "/".
> 2018-08-09 13:09:43.746 CWD /
< 2018-08-09 13:09:43.767 250 CWD successful. "/" is current directory.
. 2018-08-09 13:09:43.767 Getting current directory name.
> 2018-08-09 13:09:43.767 PWD
< 2018-08-09 13:09:43.787 257 "/" is current directory.
< 2018-08-09 13:09:43.787 Script: /
> 2018-08-09 13:09:43.787 Script: put -transfer=binary "C:\Users\username\Desktop\test folder\myfile.7z.uploading"
. 2018-08-09 13:09:43.787 Copying 1 files/directories to remote directory "/" - total size: 198,017
. 2018-08-09 13:09:43.787   PrTime: Yes; PrRO: No; Rght: rw-r--r--; PrR: No (No); FnCs: N; RIC: 0100; Resume: S (102400); CalcS: No; Mask: 
. 2018-08-09 13:09:43.787   TM: B; ClAr: No; RemEOF: No; RemBOM: No; CPS: 0; NewerOnly: No; InclM: ; ResumeL: 0
. 2018-08-09 13:09:43.787   AscM: *.*html; *.htm; *.txt; *.php; *.php3; *.cgi; *.c; *.cpp; *.h; *.pas; *.bas; *.tex; *.pl; *.js; .htaccess; *.xtml; *.css; *.cfg; *.ini; *.sh; *.xml
. 2018-08-09 13:09:43.787 File: 'C:\Users\username\Desktop\test folder\myfile.7z.uploading' [2018-08-09T15:41:57.040Z] [198017]
. 2018-08-09 13:09:43.787 Copying "C:\Users\username\Desktop\test folder\myfile.7z.uploading" to remote directory started.
. 2018-08-09 13:09:43.787 Binary transfer mode selected.
. 2018-08-09 13:09:43.787 Starting upload of C:\Users\username\Desktop\test folder\myfile.7z.uploading
> 2018-08-09 13:09:43.787 TYPE I
< 2018-08-09 13:09:43.803 200 Type set to I
> 2018-08-09 13:09:43.803 PASV
< 2018-08-09 13:09:43.818 227 Entering Passive Mode (1,2,3,4,17,147)
> 2018-08-09 13:09:43.818 STOR myfile.7z.uploading
. 2018-08-09 13:09:43.818 Connecting to ...
< 2018-08-09 13:09:43.865 150 Opening data channel for file upload to server of "/myfile.7z.uploading"
< 2018-08-09 13:09:44.084 226 Successfully transferred "/myfile.7z.uploading"
> 2018-08-09 13:09:44.084 MFMT 20180809154157 myfile.7z.uploading
< 2018-08-09 13:09:44.100 550 Permission denied
. 2018-08-09 13:09:44.100 Upload successful
. 2018-08-09 13:09:44.100 Transfer done: 'C:\Users\username\Desktop\test folder\myfile.7z.uploading' => '/myfile.7z.uploading' [198017]
. 2018-08-09 13:09:44.100 Copying finished: Transferred: 198,017, Elapsed: 0:00:00, CPS: 776,209/s
> 2018-08-09 13:09:44.100 Script: mv "myfile.7z.uploading" "myfile.7z"
. 2018-08-09 13:09:44.100 Listing file "myfile.7z.uploading".
. 2018-08-09 13:09:44.100 Retrieving file information...
> 2018-08-09 13:09:44.100 MLST /myfile.7z.uploading
< 2018-08-09 13:09:44.131 550 Permission denied.
. 2018-08-09 13:09:44.131 Could not retrieve file information
< 2018-08-09 13:09:44.131 Script: Can't get attributes of file 'myfile.7z.uploading'.
< 2018-08-09 13:09:44.131 Could not retrieve file information

< 2018-08-09 13:09:44.131 Permission denied.
. 2018-08-09 13:09:44.131 Script: Failed
. 2018-08-09 13:09:44.131 Script: Exit code: 1
. 2018-08-09 13:09:44.131 Disconnected from server

I can connect to the FTP server, login, send the single file. That part works great. Then after I send the file I was hoping to get a 226 Successfully transferred message shown to my console window. Instead I have a message showing the following...

Can't get attributes of file 'MyFileName.txt'.

I have my FTP server set up in a way that the only access rights given are...

  • Write
  • Delete

There are no type of read or list rights given to the user. The idea is to have this script blindly dump a file to the FTP server, check that the FTP server returns a successful 226 message and then blindly rename the file once it has been uploaded.

Everything works great with FTP.exe but for some reason I can't get it to work for So this leaves me with two questions...

  1. Is it possible to show the actual server responses when using
  2. Is it possible to turn off the way trys to read things like attributes and file information after an upload?


  • You cannot prevent WinSCP from checking file before doing rename.

    But as you have hinted yourself, you can workaround it using WinSCP call command and FTP commands RNFR and RNTO:

    call RNFR myfile.7z.uploading
    call RNTO myfile.7z

    As for the MFMT, WinSCP uses that to update a timestamp of the uploaded file. If that fails, WinSCP silently ignores the error.

    But if you want to avoid having the error in the log file, just use -nopreservetime switch of the put command.