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WCF Service Library (IIS): Metadata publishing for this service is currently disabled

I receive this error and I cannot shake it. This question is similar to this SO question and quite a few others, not to mention the page itself.

Yes, I am fully cognizant that the namespace and service name MUST MATCH EXACTLY. I read that a zillion fold now.

I have a WCF Service Library, which I am running in IIS. The server is a Windows Server 2016 Standard edition. I renamed App.config to Web.config, though I tried as App.config. I tried what seems like a zillion configurations of each and still the same error. Yes, I tried adding in binding and specifying basicHttpBinding.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

            <service name="MyTesterLibrary.MyTester" behaviorConfiguration="MetadataBehavior">
                <endpoint address="" binding="wsHttpBinding" contract="MyTesterLibrary.IMyTester" />
                <endpoint address="mex" binding="mexHttpBinding" contract="IMetadataExchange" />

                <behavior name="MetadataBehavior">
                    <serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="True"/>
                    <serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults="True" httpHelpPageEnabled="True" />


Main Class

namespace MyTesterLibrary
    public class MyTester : IMyTester
        public string GetVersionInfo()
            Backup.GetVersionInfo(out string response);

            return response;

Interface Class

namespace MyTesterLibrary
    public interface IMyTester
        [WebInvoke(Method = "GET", RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Xml, ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Xml, UriTemplate = "/GetVersionInfo")]
        string GetVersionInfo();


<%@ ServiceHost Service="MyTesterLibrary.MyTester" %>

I followed instructions on another site and created the IIS site. This screenshot says it all.

IIS Showing WCF website

I know that in the referenced SO article, the guy was insistent that the problem was in IIS and it was not, but my problem sure seems that way. I just tried basicHttpBinding again and the same.

Browser page showing metadata for this site disabled message

This question on the forum was interesting too. I instinctively renamed App.config to Web.config and rebuilt the DLL. IIS does not read `App.config'.



  • That last referenced article stated the problem and my suspicion was correct. I am leaving this question here as I wrote it up nicely, but more importantly an IMPORTANT fact was not stated.

    Either Visual Studio or C# does not embed Web.config OR IIS does not pull the file from the DLL. All the articles that I read talk say to write a SVC file, place the DLL in the bin file, but all leave out two crucial pieces of information.

    1. Copy App.config to `Web.config'.

    2. Place a copy of Web.config in the same folder as the SVC file.

    There is no need to refresh the website in IIS, but one does have to refresh the browser page.

    I hope that this answer helps someone, as I really suffered and almost did not get it.