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How exactly does `IO`'s >>= work under the hood?

When explaining a concept like Monads to a beginner, I think it is helpful to avoid any complicated Haskell terminology, or anything category theory-like. I think a nice way to explain it is to build up a motivation for the function a -> m b with a straightforward type like Maybe:

data Maybe = Just a | Nothing

It's all or nothing. But what if we have some functions f :: a -> Maybe b and g :: b -> Maybe c and we want a nice way to combine them?

andThen :: Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b
andThen Nothing _ = Nothing
andThen (Just a) f = f a

comp :: Maybe Text
comp = f a `andThen` g
  where f g a = etc...

You can then move into saying andThen could be defined for a variety of types (eventually forming the monad typeclass)... a compelling next example to me would be IO. But how would you define andThen for IO yourself? This has lead me to a question of my own... my naive implementation of andThenIO would be like so:

andThenIO :: IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> IO b
andThenIO io f = f (unsafePerformIO io) 

But I know this isn't what is actually going on when you >>= using IO. Looking at the implementation of bindIO in GHC.Base I see this:

bindIO :: IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> IO b
bindIO (IO m) k = IO (\ s -> case m s of (# new_s, a #) -> unIO (k a) new_s)

And for unIO this:

unIO :: IO a -> (State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #))
unIO (IO a) = a

Which seems to relate to the ST monad somehow, though my knowledge of ST is next to nothing... I suppose my question is, what exactly is the difference between my naive implementation, and an implementation that uses ST? Is my naive implementation useful given the example or not given it isn't actually going on under the hood (and could be a misleading explanation)


  • (Note: this answers to the "how to explain how IO works to a beginner" part. It does NOT attempt to explain the RealWorld# hack GHC uses. Indeed, the latter is not a good way to introduce IO.)

    There are many ways to explain the IO monad to beginners. It is hard because different people mentally associate monads to different ideas. You can use category theory, or describe them as programmable semicolons, or even as burritos.

    Because of this, when I tried to do that in the past, I generally tried many approaches until one of them "clicks" into the mental pattern of the learner. Knowing their background helps a lot.

    Imperative closures

    For instance, when the learner is already familiar with some imperative language with closures, e.g. JavaScript, I tend to tell them they can pretend that the whole point of a Haskell program is to generate a JavaScript closure, which is then run using a JavaScript implementation. In this make-believe explanation, a IO T type stands for an opaque type encapsulating a JavaScript closure, which, when run, will produce a value of type T, possibly after causing some side effects -- as JavaScript can do.

    So, a value f :: IO String could be implemented as

    let f = () => {
        print("side effect");
        return "result";

    and g :: IO () could be implemented as

    let g = () => {
        print("g here");
        return {};

    Now, assuming to have such f closure, how to invoke it from Haskell? Well, one can not directly do that, since Haskell wants to keep side effects under control. That is, we can not do f ++ "hi" or f() ++ "hi".

    Instead, to "invoke a closure" we can bind it to main

    main :: IO ()
    main = g

    Indeed, main is the JavaScript closure which is generated by the whole Haskell program, and this will be invoked by the Haskell implementation.

    OK, now the question becomes: "how to invoke more than one closure?". For that, one can introduce >> and pretend that it is implemented as

    function andThenSimple(f, g) {
       return () => {
          return g();

    or, for >>=:

    function andThen(f, g) {
       return () => {
          let x = f();
          return g(x)();  // pass x, and then invoke the resulting closure

    return is easier

    function ret(x) {
       return () => x;

    These function take a while to explain, but it is not that hard to grasp them if one understands closures.

    Pure functional (AKA stay free)

    Another option is to keep everything pure. Or at least as pure as possible. One can pretend that IO a is an opaque type defined as

    data IO a
       = Return a
       | Output String (IO a)
       | Input (String -> IO a)
       -- ... other IO operations here

    and then pretend that the value main :: IO () is then "run" by some imperative engine later on. A program like

    foo :: IO Int
    foo = do
      l <- getLine
      putStrLn l
      putStrLn l
      return (length l)

    actually means, according to this interpretation,

    foo :: IO Int
    foo = Input (\l -> Output l (Output l (Return (length l))))

    Of course here return = Return, and defining >>= is a nice exercise.

    Currying impurity

    Forget IO, monads, and all that stuff. One could understand better two simple concepts

    a -> b   -- pure function type
    a ~> b   -- impure function type

    the latter being a make-believe Haskell type. Most programmers should be able to have a strong intuition about what these types represent.

    Now, in functional programming, we have currying, which is an isomorphism between

    (a, b) -> c


    a -> (b -> c)

    After some thinking, one can see that impure functions should admit some currying as well. One can indeed be convinced that there should be some isomorphism similar to

    (a, b) ~> c
    a ~> (b ~> c)

    With some more thought, one can even understand that the first ~> in a ~> (b ~> c) is actually inaccurate. The curried function above does not really perform side effects when a alone is being passed -- it is the passing of b which triggers the execution of the original uncurried function, causing side effects.

    So, with this in mind, we can think of the impure currying as

    (a, b) ~> c
    a -> (b ~> c)
    --^^-- pure!

    As a particular case, we get the isomorphism

    (a, ()) ~> c
    a -> (() ~> c)

    Further, since (a, ()) is isomorphic to a (some more convincing is required here), we can interpret currying as

    a ~> c
    a -> (() ~> c)

    Now, if we baptize () ~> c as IO c, we get

    a ~> c
    a -> IO c

    Ah-ha! This tells us that we do not really need the general impure function type a ~> c. As long as we have its special case IO c = () ~> c, we can represent (up to isomorphism) any a ~> c function.

    From here, one can start to draw a mental picture about how IO c should work, and eventually realize its monadic structure. Essentially, this interpretation of IO c is now very similar to the one exploiting closures given above.