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C# WPF NotifyIcon BalloonTip and the TrayBalloonTipClicked Event

Within my WPF Application I use the "WPF NotifyIcon" ( library to send OS Ballontips like this

TaskbarIcon tbi = new TaskbarIcon();

string title = "My title";
string text = "My texte...";

//show balloon with custom icon
tbi.ShowBalloonTip(title, text, NotifiyTest_01.Properties.Resources.Error);

This works fine but now I like to react on clicks on that Ballontip and open specific windows to guide the user. I found that the TaskbarIcon class implements an RoutedEventHandler named TrayBalloonTipClicked which is described as handler for Ballontips clicks.


Now I could not figure out how to react to such a click event. I am only used to events defined within XAML definitions like Click="Button_Click" where I just implement a method like this

private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

Can anybody help? Thank you!


  • Thanks for your help, you gave me the perfect hints. Now this works fine:

        private void BalloonTip_Clicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            //do it...
        private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            string title = "My title";
            string text = "My texte...";
            tbi.TrayBalloonTipClicked += new RoutedEventHandler(BalloonTip_Clicked);
            //show balloon with custom icon
            tbi.ShowBalloonTip(title, text, NotifiyTest_01.Properties.Resources.Error);
            //hide balloon