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How to use uniform distribution to see central limit theorem in action?

I would like to use MATLAB to visualize the Central Limit Theorem in action. I would like to use rand() to produce 10 samples of uniform distribution U[0,1] and compute their average, then save it to a matrix 'Mat'.

I would then use a histogram to visualize the convergence in distribution. How would you do this and normalize that histogram so it is a valid probability density (instead of just counting the frequency of occurrence)?

To generate the samples I am doing something like:

Mat = rand(N,sizeOfVector) > rand(1);

But I guess I am going to the wrong side.


  • To generate N samples of length sizeOfVector you start out with rand as you suggested, and then continue as follows (calling the array average instead of Mat for readability):

    samples = rand(N,sizeOfVector);
    average = mean(samples,1);
    binWidth = 3.49*std(average)*N^(-1/3)); %# Scott's rule for good bin width for normal data
    nBins = ceil((max(average)-min(average))/binWidth);
    [counts,x] = hist(average,nBins);
    normalizedCounts = counts/sum(counts);