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Simple way to find max level 1 WBS and put all Level 2 WBS into array?

I can't seem to find anything about how I might do this from the documentation. My question basically has it all. I need the max WBS level 1 value as an integer, and then to loop through all its level2 subtasks/summaries and put a couple of their values into an array.

It would also be handy if I could get number of subtasks that belong to that summary before iterating so I could dim my array with the correct rows/columns and not have to transpose it after-the-fact.

Any help or guidance would be appreciated, MS Project documentation is awful and the internet doesn't have much else on a lot of this.

I Don't want to have to do this:

Dim TopVal As Integer
For Each t in ActiveProject.Tasks
   Dim tVal As Integer
   tVal = t.WBS.Split("."c)(0)
   If  tVal > TopVal Then TopVal = tVal
Next t


  • Unfortunately, you will have to loop to figure things out. MS Project doesn't allow you to pull in a set of fields (like all the WBSs) into an array without looping through everything. For this problem, you'll need to determine two different bits of information: what level WBS you're working with and how many levels of sub-tasks are underneath that given WBS.

    At the main program level, you'll need to run through ALL the tasks and determine the WBS level of each task. Once you get the level you want, then you can determine the number of sub-tasks.

    Private Sub test()
        With ThisProject
            Dim i As Long
            For i = 1 To .Tasks.count
                Dim subWBSCount As Long
                If .Tasks.Item(i).OutlineLevel = 2 Then
                    subWBSCount = GetSubWBSCount(.Tasks.Item(i).wbs, i)
                    Debug.Print "At level 2 (" & .Tasks.Item(i).wbs & _
                                ") there are " & subWBSCount & " sub tasks"
                    '    you can properly dimension your array here,
                    '    then fill it with the sub-task information
                    '    as needed
                End If
            Next i
        End With
    End Sub

    When you need to count the sub-tasks under the level 2 WBS, it's easiest to break into a separate function to keep the logic straight. What it does it to start with the given task and work down, comparing each subsequent task's WBS "prefix" -- meaning if you're looking for sub-tasks under WBS 1.1, then when you see WBS 1.1.1 and 1.1.2, you need to really compare the "1.1" parts of each of them. Count until you run out of sub-tasks.

    Private Function GetSubWBSCount(ByVal topWBS As String, ByVal wbsIndex As Long) As Long
        '--- loop to find the given WBS, then determine how many
        '    sub tasks lie under that WBS
        With ThisProject
            Dim j As Long
            Dim count As Long
            For j = (wbsIndex + 1) To .Tasks.count
                Dim lastDotPos As Long
                lastDotPos = InStrRev(.Tasks.Item(j).wbs, _
                                      ".", , vbTextCompare)
                Dim wbsPrefix As String
                wbsPrefix = Left$(.Tasks.Item(j).wbs, _
                                  lastDotPos - 1)
                If wbsPrefix = topWBS Then
                    count = count + 1
                    '--- check for the edge case where this is
                    '    the very last task, and so our count is
                    '    finished
                    If j = .Tasks.count Then
                        GetSubWBSCount = count
                        Exit Function
                    End If
                    '--- once we run out of sub-wbs tasks that
                    '    match, we're done
                    GetSubWBSCount = count
                    Exit Function
                End If
            Next j
        End With
    End Function

    Here's the whole test module:

    Option Explicit
    Private Sub test()
        With ThisProject
            Dim i As Long
            For i = 1 To .Tasks.count
                Dim subWBSCount As Long
                If .Tasks.Item(i).OutlineLevel = 2 Then
                    subWBSCount = GetSubWBSCount(.Tasks.Item(i).wbs, i)
                    Debug.Print "At level 2 (" & .Tasks.Item(i).wbs & _
                                ") there are " & subWBSCount & " sub tasks"
                    '    you can properly dimension your array here,
                    '    then fill it with the sub-task information
                    '    as needed
                End If
            Next i
        End With
    End Sub
    Private Function GetSubWBSCount(ByVal topWBS As String, ByVal wbsIndex As Long) As Long
        '--- loop to find the given WBS, then determine how many
        '    sub tasks lie under that WBS
        With ThisProject
            Dim j As Long
            Dim count As Long
            For j = (wbsIndex + 1) To .Tasks.count
                Dim lastDotPos As Long
                lastDotPos = InStrRev(.Tasks.Item(j).wbs, _
                                      ".", , vbTextCompare)
                Dim wbsPrefix As String
                wbsPrefix = Left$(.Tasks.Item(j).wbs, _
                                  lastDotPos - 1)
                If wbsPrefix = topWBS Then
                    count = count + 1
                    '--- check for the edge case where this is
                    '    the very last task, and so our count is
                    '    finished
                    If j = .Tasks.count Then
                        GetSubWBSCount = count
                        Exit Function
                    End If
                    '--- once we run out of sub-wbs tasks that
                    '    match, we're done
                    GetSubWBSCount = count
                    Exit Function
                End If
            Next j
        End With
    End Function