In ember , I have a model called "Post" . If i perform
on creating a post , by default it posts to my /post
url in Rails(backend). This works in my case. But for future uses, how do i specify a custom route? Let's say I want to post this model to my backend to a route called
How do i make
in ember to go to this route?
Adapters in ember manage how a model communicates with remote data. If you need to go outside of ember convention, you can create a custom adapter for your model that can point actions to different places.
ember generate adapter model-name
In your case, you want to call /post/save
instead of /post
when you create a post. You would overload the method urlForCreateRecord
urlForCreateRecord(modelName, snapshot) {
return '/post/save';
Each url for an action (create, update, new, find, query) can be adjusted to fit your backend.