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Fixpoint with Prop inhabitant as argument

Consider the definition of find in the standard library, which as the type find: forall A : Type, (A -> bool) -> list A -> option A.

Of course, find has to return an option A and not an A because we don't know wether there is a "valid" element in the list.

Now, say I find this definition of find painful, because we have to deal with the option, even when we are sure that such an element exists in the list.

Hence, I'd like to define myFind which additionnaly takes a proof that there is such an element in the list. It would be something like:

Variable A: Type.
Fixpoint myFind 
  (f: A -> bool) 
  (l: list A) 
  (H: exists a, In a l /\ f a = true): A :=

If I am not mistaken, such a signature informally says: "Give me a function, a list, and a proof that you have a "valid" element in the list".

My question is: how can I use the hypothesis provided and define my fixpoint ?

What I have in mind is something like:

match l with
| nil => (* Use H to prove this case is not possible *)
| hd :: tl => 
  if f hd
  then hd
    (* Use H and the fact that f hd = false 
       to prove H': exists a, In a tl /\ f a = true *)
    myFind f tl H'

An bonus point would be to know whether I can embbed a property about the result directly within the type, for instance in our case, a proof that the return value r is indeed such that f r = true.


  • We can implement this myFind function by structural recursion over the input list. In the case of empty list the False_rect inductive principle is our friend because it lets us switch from the logical world to the world of computations. In general we cannot destruct proofs of propositions if the type of the term under construction lives in Type, but if we have an inconsistency the system lets us.

    We can handle the case of the non-empty input list by using the convoy pattern (there is a number of great answers on Stackoverflow explaining this pattern) and an auxiliary lemma find_not_head.

    It might be useful to add that I use the convoy pattern twice in the implementation below: the one on the top level is used to let Coq know the input list is empty in the first match-branch -- observe that the type of H is different in both branches.

    From Coq Require Import List.
    Import ListNotations.
    Set Implicit Arguments.
    (* so we can write `f a` instead of `f a = true` *)
    Coercion is_true : bool >-> Sortclass.
    Section Find.
    Variables (A : Type) (f : A -> bool).
    (* auxiliary lemma *)
    Fact find_not_head h l : f h = false ->
      (exists a, In a (h :: l) /\ f a) ->
      exists a, In a l /\ f a.
    Proof. intros E [a [[contra | H] fa_true]]; [congruence | now exists a]. Qed.
    Fixpoint myFind (l : list A) (H : exists a : A, In a l /\ f a) : {r : A | f r} :=
      match l with
      | [] => fun H : exists a : A, In a [] /\ f a =>
               False_rect {r : A | f r} 
                          match H with
                          | ex_intro _ _ (conj contra _) =>
                            match contra with end
      | h :: l => fun H : exists a : A, In a (h :: l) /\ f a =>
                   (if f h as b return (f h = b -> {r : A | f r})
                    then fun Efh => exist _ h Efh
                    else fun Efh => myFind l (find_not_head Efh H)) eq_refl
      end H.
    End Find.

    Here is a simplistic test:

    From Coq Require Import Arith.
    Section FindTest.
    Notation l := [1; 2; 0; 9].
    Notation f := (fun n => n =? 0).
    Fact H : exists a, In a l /\ f a.
    Proof. exists 0; intuition. Qed.
    Compute myFind f l H.
         = exist (fun r : nat => f r) 0 eq_refl
         : {r : nat | f r}
    End FindTest.