I am using a roles structure to deploy an Openstack infra and in the main.yml from the task folder I would have some tasks that should apply to one tenant and some tasks that should apply to a different tenant.
I would like to run all tasks at once even if are from different tenants. For this, I would need to specify somehow that some tasks are for tenant1 and some tasks are for tenant2.
Let's take a simple example. I am currently sourcing tenant 1 when running the Ansible tasks, but I would like that the following Ansible task to run on tenant2:
- name: Create the security group
state: present
name: sg_default
description: Security group
tags: security_group
As a first step, I have added the admin role on both tenants.
Is any option that helps me run everything at once in the main's task file even the tenants are different? Or can be this changed something from the main's yml where I am specifying the roles?
Found a way:
Create a clouds.yml file from where you are running the playbook. Something like:
auth_url: http://openstack.local:5000/v2.0
username: admin
password: secret
project_name: admin
Inside the function insert cloud as this:
- name: Create the security group
state: present
cloud: testing
name: sg_default
description: SG group
tags: security_group