Users import the serial number, then they are to fill the data for Error Name. Each serial number can have a maximum of 3 Error Names. The Error Names are then classified as either Type A or Type B.
Then there is the SumOfErrorTypeA field and SumOfErrorTypeB field. Users manually type in the Sum of each error type per record but our team needs to automate it. I tried IIFs, Dcounts, VBA math, to no avail... Is there a way to do it? Thank you!
Record SerialNumber Error1Name Error1Type Error2Name Error2Type Error3Name Error3Type SumOfErrorTypeA SumOfErrorTypeB
1 111111111 Error1 Type B Error2 Type A Error3 Type A 2 1
2 222222222 Error1 Type A Error2 Type A 2 0
3 333333333 Error1 Type A 1 0
4 444444444 No error 0 0
I tried IIFs, DCounts, VBA, nothing worked.
You can calculate the sums:
select t.*,
(iif(Error1Type = "A", 1, 0) +
iif(Error2Type = "A", 1, 0) +
iif(Error3Type = "A", 1, 0)
) as num_a,
(iif(Error1Type = "B", 1, 0) +
iif(Error2Type = "B", 1, 0) +
iif(Error3Type = "B", 1, 0)
) as num_b
from t;
I'm not sure what you want to do with values, but this let's you calculate what they should be.