$dir = "/var/www/html/test";
$localDir = "/home/hell/local/db";
$pass = "123456789";
$method = "aes-256-cbc";
$out = "/home/hell/Downloads/db;
$files = scandir($dir);
if (!empty($files)) {
foreach ($files as $file) {
if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') {
if (substr($file, 0, 11)== date('d-M-Y')) {
// code...
$zipName = basename($localDir."/".$file,".aes").".zip";
$exec = "openssl ".$method." -d -salt -in ".$localDir."/".$file." -out ".$out.$zipName. " -k ".$pass;
My aim is to copy a .aes file from /var/www/html/test to /home/hell/local/db then decrypt it, then unzip it and delete the copied file and its zip. So far this is what i manage and the code runs with out errors but doesn't produce the archived file to unzip. it doesnt produce the file to unzip.
//function to drop database
system("mysql -h".$servername ." -u" .$username ." -p" .$password ." -e 'DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS $dbname'");
//function to create database
system("mysql -h".$servername ." -u" .$username ." -p" .$password ." -e 'CREATE DATABASE $dbname'");
$files = scandir($dir, SCANDIR_SORT_DESCENDING);
//$files = "\.(aes|AES)$"
$newest_file = $files[0];
$oldPath = $dir."/".$newest_file;
$newPath = $localDir."/".$newest_file."\n";
shell_exec("cp ".$oldPath." ".$newPath);
// copy('".$dir."/".$newest_file."','".$localDir."/".$newest_file."');
$zipName = basename($localDir."/".$newest_file, ".aes");
exec("openssl ".$method." -d -salt -in ".$localDir."/".$newest_file." -out ".$out.$zipName. " -k ".$pass);
//print $zipName."\n";
//print $out.$zipName."\n";
$sqlName = basename($zipName, ".zip");
system("unzip ".$out.$zipName." -d " .$localDir."/");
print $localDir."/".$sqlName."\n";
$sq12 = "mysql -h" .$servername ." -u" .$username ." -p" .$password ." " .$dbname ." < " .$localDir."/".$sqlName;
if(exec($sq12)) {
exec("rm" .$localDir."*");
You can never go wrong with exec() or system() function.