I've got 3 tables -- a model QuizResult, a model QuizAnswers and then a jointable for them (quiz_answer_quiz_results):
class QuizResult < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :quiz_answers, :join_table => :quiz_answer_quiz_results
belongs_to :quiz
has_many :quiz_questions, through: :quiz_answers
class QuizAnswer < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :quiz_question
has_and_belongs_to_many :quiz_results, :join_table => :quiz_answer_quiz_results
I want to be able to find a QuizResult by searching for attributed quiz_answer_ids and yet I can't figure out the relation, even via sql syntax.
Going in the OPPOSITE direction, if I ask QuizResult.first.answer_ids I get [5,9):
QuizResult Load (2.0ms) SELECT "quiz_results".* FROM "quiz_results" ORDER BY "quiz_results"."id" ASC LIMIT 1
(4.2ms) SELECT "quiz_answers".id FROM "quiz_answers" INNER JOIN "quiz_answer_quiz_results" ON "quiz_answers"."id" = "quiz_answer_quiz_results"."quiz_answer_id" WHERE "quiz_answer_quiz_results"."quiz_result_id" = $1 [["quiz_result_id", 1]]
=> [5, 9]
What I'm trying to do is given quiz_answer_ids 5,9 how can I get back a QuizResult object? I've been attempting all sorts of strange QuizResult.joins(:quiz_answers), or sql queries, but to no avail.
QuizResult.includes(:quiz_answers).where(quiz_answers: { id: [5,9] })