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How to invoke Solution level Build command present in Visual Studio in my custom command while creating a Visual Studio extension?

The title pretty much says it all. I'm writing a visual studio extension in which i'm creating a custom command. In the callback of this command, i need to invoke the "solution level Build command" at some point in my logic. I found one GlobalInvoke(CommandID commandID) method present in OleMenuCommandService class. The CommandID takes two arguments "CommandID(Guid menuGroup, int commandID)". I could not find the Menu Group Guid for the Build Menu Group. Firstly, am i right in the above approach? If no, please guide me to the right approach. If yes, how can i find the Guids and IDs needed to invoke the Build command? Thanks in Advance.


  • You can call DTE.ExecuteCommand("Build.BuildSolution").

    If you want to use guid and ID, see the following VB sample:

    Sub Run(DTE As DTE2, package As Package)
        Dim cmd As EnvDTE.Command
        Dim shell As Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.IVsUIShell
        Dim arg As Object
        Dim guid As System.Guid
        Dim serviceProvider As System.IServiceProvider
        serviceProvider = New Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.ServiceProvider(
                   CType(DTE, Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop.IServiceProvider))
        shell = serviceProvider.GetService(GetType(Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.SVsUIShell))
        cmd = DTE.Commands.Item("Build.BuildSolution", 0)
        guid = New System.Guid(cmd.Guid)
        shell.PostExecCommand(guid, cmd.ID, 0, arg)
    End Sub