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Insert data to Master and Detail table at the single script with multi-data using T-SQL

I've to insert data to Master and Detail records, however what can I do if I need to insert both data at the single script with T-SQL.
1.How can I get the Master Index Key(Identity increment) when data's was inserted
2.and then get Index Key to Detail record at the same time(in single script)

For example(hopefully result):

Master table
enter image description here
Detail table
enter image description here

the column "SeatMasterIndexID" data is from Master "IndexID"

PS: pseudocode

INSERT INTO MasterTable (TeamId ,  BranchId , SeatId) OUTPUT Inserted.IndexID ......
INSERT INTO DetailTable (TeamId ,MasterIndexID) values('1',Inserted.IndexID <-- from output Inserted.IndexID)


  • You can use SCOPE_IDENTITY if you are inserting one row at a time.

    If you are inserting multiple rows (like from a select statement) into your Master table. You can you OUTPUT CLAUSE to get all your inserted Ids from Master table into a temp table (you will have to create this temp table in advance).

    Since you have not provided source query to populate Master and detail tables, I have provided basic query which inserts into both tables.

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#MasterTable') IS NOT NULL
        DROP TABLE #MasterTable;
    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#DetailsTable') IS NOT NULL
        DROP TABLE #DetailsTable;
    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#TempTable') IS NOT NULL
        DROP TABLE #TempTable;
    CREATE TABLE #MasterTable
            IndexId INT IDENTITY(1, 1) ,
            TeamId INT ,
            BranchId INT ,
            SeatId INT
    CREATE TABLE #DetailsTable
            IndexId INT IDENTITY(1, 1) ,
            TeamId INT ,
            BranchId INT ,
            SeatId INT ,
            SeatMasterIndexId INT
    CREATE TABLE #TempTable
            IndexId INT ,
            TeamId INT ,
            BranchId INT ,
            SeatId INT
    INSERT INTO #MasterTable ( TeamId ,
                               BranchId ,
                               SeatId )
    OUTPUT Inserted.*
    INTO #TempTable
    VALUES ( 1 , -- TeamId - int
             2 , -- BranchId - int
             2   -- SeatId - int
    INSERT INTO #DetailsTable ( TeamId ,
                                BranchId ,
                                SeatId ,
                                SeatMasterIndexId )
                SELECT TeamId ,
                       BranchId ,
                       SeatId ,
                FROM   #TempTable;
    SELECT *
    FROM   #MasterTable;
    SELECT *
    FROM   #DetailsTable;