I want to be able to use an object like below, to retrieve new orders and new invoices. I feel like it is most readable, but I am having trouble writing the PHP class to work this way.
$amazon = new Amazon();
In my PHP class, how would my get() method be able to distinguish whether to return orders or invoices?
namespace App\Vendors;
class Amazon
private $api_key;
public $orders;
public $invoices;
public function __construct()
$this->api_key = config('api.key.amazon');
public function orders($status = null)
$this->orders = 'orders123';
return $this;
public function invoices($status = null)
$this->invoices = 'invoices123';
return $this;
public function get()
// what is the best way to return order or invoice property
// when method is chained?
A couple of ways, if you want it dynamic and don't do any logic in the methods, use something like __call
class Amazon {
public $type;
public $method;
public function get()
// do logic
// ...
return 'Fetching: '.$this->method.' ['.$this->type.']';
public function __call($method, $type)
$this->method = $method;
$this->type = $type[0];
return $this;
$amazon = new Amazon();
echo $amazon->orders('New')->get();
echo $amazon->invoices('New')->get();
If you want to do logic in the methods, do something like:
class Amazon {
public $type;
public $method;
public function get()
return 'Fetching: '.$this->method.' ['.$this->type.']';
public function orders($type)
$this->method = 'orders';
$this->type = $type;
// do logic
// ...
return $this;
public function invoices($type)
$this->method = 'invoices';
$this->type = $type;
// do logic
// ...
return $this;
$amazon = new Amazon();
echo $amazon->orders('New')->get();
echo $amazon->invoices('New')->get();