So after some much needed updates to other areas of our software, we're updating our Twilio libraries to the latest version.
I'm looking through the API documentation, and I say this being a huge fan of how easy it was to get started originally with this API, but I'm finding the API reference a little lacking.
I wanted to better understand how the new 'CallResource' class works, but I can't find anything on it. Specifically, how it handles exceptions, if at all.
This is how it was handled in the old code:
if (call.RestException == null)
+ " " + call.StartTime.ToString()
+ " " + call.Status.ToString());
so.twillio_sid = call.Sid;
so.status = call.Status;
so.offer_status = ShiftOfferStatus.Failed;
so.status = call.RestException.Message.ToString();
callout.status = CalloutStatus.inprogressWaitingNext;
How should I go about checking if the call was initiated successfully in the new interfaces?
So, turns out the new approach is:
//make a call
catch(ApiException e)
//handle exception state here
This document ended up being where the answer lies. Unfortunately the new code samples don't contain any error handling.