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Android SDK is not installed with Android Studio IDE

so I've downloaded the Android Studio IDE from the official website, installed, and run it. When I try to create a new project this is what I get:

enter image description here

Obviously I click on (open SDK manager):

enter image description here

I then click on (Edit):

enter image description here

At first, the directory /Android/SDK was totally missing, so I added it manually by creating the two folders Android and SDK in the directory C:\Users\Sam\AppData\Local\ . Which led to the line "target folder is neither empty nor does it point to an existing SDK installation". The SDK manager was never Installed, I couldn't find it in the directory mentioned. Therefore, I downloaded the SDK tools and put it in the directory specified, but that didn't work. An SO thread has suggested that I don't have enough storage space for the SDK, but I have almost 31GB of empty space on my C:\ drive, another one has suggested that I have a proxy/ http problem but I don't think that this is the problem here since I've downloaded the IDE with no problems.

After I hit next this is what I get:

enter image description here

Now how could the SDK could be is up to date while there isn't any SDK to be seen?

I'd appreciate some help, have a nice day


  • this error may arise when your sdk folder not a 'platforms' folder and you must make an empty folder and rename it to 'platforms'. platforms folder must be in the sdk folder.