I'm struggling with the dotLESS @import to have a separate variables file; I just constantly get "variable is undefined".
If I browse to the variable config file it works; if I put the variables inline in the main stylesheet it works; but in an @import, no dice. I'm mapping .css as well as .less to the extension, however it also doesn't work if I use .less only.
The variables file LESS-config.less
@mbw_dark_cyan: #1293b5;
@mbw_cyan: #11add4;
@mbw_magenta: #e935da;
@control_text: #ffffff;
@action_delete: #ff5400;
@section_level1_bg: @mbw_dark_cyan;
@section_level1_fg: @control_text;
@button_bg: @mbw_dark_cyan;
@button_fg: @control_text;
@button_icon: @control_text;
@data_table_header: @mbw_cyan;
.dummy {
color: @control_text;
Which renders as:
.dummy {
color: #ffffff;
Calling stylesheet main.css
@import (less) '/css/LESS-config';
button {
background: @button_bg;
Which gives the error:
variable @button_bg is undefined on line 4 in file '/css/main.css':
[3]: button {
[4]: background: @button_bg;
[5]: }
As I said, if I replace the import with the same variables copied and pasted, it all works fine.
I've tried saving without BOM as in another answer, but that doesn't help.
EDIT, I've tried:
as opposed to virtual absolute as above logger="dotless.Core.Loggers.AspResponseLogger" log="debug"
is already false
) debug="1"
Absolutely no change in behaviour.
I created a cut-down css that only had the import statement in it; when I browse to it the imported styles are in there. However, on a refresh, I just get a blank response.
So it seems to be something to do with my IIS config / caching? I've turned off content compression but no joy; disabled all output caching for .less and .css, still no joy!
FIXED as per Toni's comment; https://stackoverflow.com/a/51754771/318411:
This turned out to be a dotLESS issue, tracked on GitHub here: https://github.com/dotless/dotless/issues/553
The complete fix was to:
to due to Method
not found error
to .less
Now all working.
Please try version 1.6.7 which fixes an error that imports are only executed on the very first request.