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Zapier Trigger: Skipping user entry of an inputField, if only one option is available

We have a Zapier trigger, which uses a dynamic inputField for choosing the correct counterpart in our software. When setting up a Zap, the user always sees a dialog containing the dynamic dropdown. if there is only one value available in the dropdown (99% of all usages), the dialog should be skipped. Is there a way to achieve this?

operation: {
 inputFields: [
    key: 'blockid', 
    type: 'string',
    label: 'Select Trigger',
    helpText: 'Pick the trigger in your Ultradox automation.',
    dynamic: ''


  • David here, from the Zapier Platform team.

    That might be possible, but it's not a common use case. Instead of listing the input field as an object in the array, you could instead put a function there. The function could perform whatever request is used to determine how many options there will be and then either return an array of fields or [], depending.

    The big kicker here is that bundle.inputData will not have have a blockid value if the user doesn't provide one. Instead, you'll have to do that request again in your perform method and supply it yourself.

    Hope this helps. ​Let me know if you've got any other questions!