I am trying to use Snapchat's Login Kit to allow users to login with Snapchat, but their documentation gives me an error.
Copying the documentation gets me a "Type '[AnyHashable : Any]?' has no subscript members. The error happens on the "let data = " line. If I force unwrap resources, then the error moves to the next line
let graphQLQuery = "{me{displayName, bitmoji{avatar}, externalId}}"
let variables = ["page": "bitmoji"]
SCSDKLoginClient.fetchUserData(withQuery: graphQLQuery, variables: variables, success: { (resources: [AnyHashable: Any]?) in
let data = resources["data"] //error here
let me = data["me"]
let displayName = me["displayName"]
let bitmoji = me["bitmoji"]
let bitmojiAvatarUrl = bitmoji["avatar"]
}, failure: { (error: Error?, isUserLoggedOut: Bool) in
// handle error
If I unwrap data resources and data, then the error moves to the line where I try to set me = data["me"] (error = "Type Any has no subscript members"). Then if I try to unwrap me, the error remains.
let graphQLQuery = "{me{displayName, bitmoji{avatar}, externalId}}"
let variables = ["page": "bitmoji"]
SCSDKLoginClient.fetchUserData(withQuery: graphQLQuery, variables: variables, success: { (resources: [AnyHashable: Any]?) in
guard let response = resources else { return }
guard let data = response["data"] else { return }
let me = data["me"] // error here
let displayName = me["displayName"]
let bitmoji = me["bitmoji"]
let bitmojiAvatarUrl = bitmoji["avatar"]
}, failure: { (error: Error?, isUserLoggedOut: Bool) in
// handle error
Printing out data returns:
me = {
bitmoji = {
avatar = "{URL}";
displayName = "{NAME}";
externalId = "{ID}";
You have to tell the compiler the static collection types because the compiler wants to prove the subscription ability.
if let data = resources["data"] as? [String:Any],
let me = data["me"] as? [String:Any] {
let displayName = me["displayName"] as! String
if let bitmoji = me["bitmoji"] as? [String:Any] {
let bitmojiAvatarUrl = bitmoji["avatar"] as! String