I'm very new to scss and css so please bear with me. I've done some research but found conflicting information.
I have 2 freelancers working on my project. Both freelancers make changes to:
Everytime I merge their work I break the frontend. How can I merge their work without breaking everything?
I read online that these files should not be included in GIT? I also read that I should used GULP or LESS? Apparently, I should compile the merged code before committing? Seriously confused with the research.
How do I handle these files?
The .css file is generated from the .scss files. Your developers should commit only in the .scss files. In the most cases the .css file is not added to the repository at all. And you should not modify the .css file directly because it will be replaced with the next compilation of .scss the files.
GULP is just the tool that compiles the .scss files and create the css from them. Basically when using GULP you can create some functions where you can specify the input location(.scss), output location(.css) and additional rules, etc.
There are also other tools that can do this. Like Koala, Webpack.